Standard V-Wipes Alcohol Surface Disinfectant
Product Highlights
- Effective against a wide spectrum of organisms
- Tubs contain wipes in poly sealed bags
- Wipe size 180 x 120mm
- Available in lemon and natural aromas
- Packaging options include dispenser tubs or ‘stand up’ refill packs
- Specially formulated for use in the Medical and Dental environment
Key Product Features
Effective against a wide spectrum of
organisms (see bullets opposite). Tubs
contain wipes in poly-sealed bags. Wipe
size 180 x 120mm. Available in lemon
and natural fragrances.
Directions For Use
Using a new wipe for each application,
wipe objects to be disinfected so that
they are completely moistened and
let the disinfectant take action over a
period of 30 seconds, allowing surface
moisture to evaporate.
Solution contains amongst other
ingredients: Ethanol, Propan-2-ol,
Polymeric biguanide hydrochloride,
Disinfectants, Parfum, Linalool,
Physical Properties
PolyViscose Substrate impregnated
with clear liquid. Colour white. Odour
dependant on aroma. pH 7.0-8.0 of
solution with a shelf life of 3 years.
Test Standards
Tested to standards
BS EN14476
BS EN13727
BS EN14204
BS EN13624
Hazard Classifications
and Details
This product is not classified as
dangerous for carriage.